Is Tap Water Fine For Rabbits? (Safety Concerns)

Looking for the best way to keep your bunny hydrated? Our latest post explores the question on every rabbit owner’s mind: can rabbits drink tap water? Discover the potential risks and benefits of tap water for your furry friend, and gain expert tips on ensuring they stay healthy and happy.

Rabbits can drink tap water, although variations in water hardness and quality should be taken into account. As a general rule, if the water is fine for humans to drink directly from the tap (without further treatments), it is also safe for a rabbit to drink.

That’s the short answer but as with everything rabbit-related, there is a little more you should know about tap water before going ahead and giving it to your rabbit. We’re going to cover this here.

Is Tap Water Safe For Rabbits?

Wild rabbits get the majority of their water through dew and plants that they eat, however, rabbits have thrived in even the most barren of locations and despite their delicate digestive systems, they will often drink water that is less than fresh if their survival depends on it.

Tap water is stored in reservoirs where it is filtered, chemically treated, and regularly tested for bacteria and viruses before arriving in your home through aqueducts and wells. It comes from a number of sources including rivers, groundwater, and runoff.

can rabbits drink tap water?

There’s no tap water that is 100% pure and there will be traces of contaminants. Although these are likely to pose no risk to either humans or rabbits it is worth being aware of possible chemical pollutants such as pesticides, arsenic, nitrate, chlorine, and other carcinogens that may have leaked into a water supply.

Trace amounts of these chemicals are unlikely to affect humans, however, they could be a threat to an animal or pet with a small stature such as a pet rabbit.

In some cities including Detroit, Flint, Milwaukee, Newark, and Pittsburgh, improperly treated water and lead pipes installed during the industrial revolution sometimes results in lead leaking into drinking water supplies. Understandably, this is potentially dangerous to both animals and humans.

rabbit sitting by bowl of tap water

How Long Can Rabbits Go Without Water?

Although an untouched water bowl may make it appear that your rabbit is not drinking any water at all, the importance of water can not be underestimated and rabbits should never go without water for longer than 24 hours. Those that have access to a garden that includes plants and grass will also get water from plant sources.

Some rabbits will drink more than others and can actually drink as much water daily as a small dog will. For this reason, it’s recommended to provide a large water bowl rather than a bottle with a small spout.

What Can Rabbits Drink Besides Water?

Water is important to every living being on this planet. It carries nutrients to all cells in our body and oxygen to our brain, allows the body to absorb and assimilate minerals, vitamins, amino acids, glucose, and other substances, and flushes out toxins and waste. It also helps to regulate body temperature

For these reasons, there is no real substitute for plain old water for a rabbit however, on occasion, e.g. if your rabbit is off his food and water through illness, playing to their love of sweet foods by adding a tablespoon or two of pineapple juice is a good way to encourage them to drink.

Can Rabbits Drink Bottled Water?

Rabbits can be given bottled water. This is a good option in ‘hard water’ areas where water is cloudy and has a higher PH due to mineral deposits including calcium (which may lead to cloudy urine in rabbits) or in some rural areas where water may have a distinct smell of sulfur.

How Can You Tell If a Rabbit is Dehydrated?

Rabbits not provided with a sufficient fresh water supply will quickly become dehydrated. As water completes many essential life functions, dehydration is a serious problem for all animals including rabbits.

Signs of dehydration in rabbits include the inability to regulate body temperature (fever), a lack of energy, thick sticky saliva, crusty eyes, poor appetite, small amounts of dark-colored urine, and hard dry fecal pellets.

A dehydrated rabbit should be offered a fresh water supply as soon as possible, if the rabbit is suffering an illness, the aforementioned pineapple juice can be added to encourage them to drink.

If the rabbit still refuses to drink, a small syringe can be used to distribute water gently and directly into the side of the rabbit’s mouth, small amounts of water around 100ml, several times during the day will be sufficient but if you are not confident yourself, seek immediate medical advice from a vet.

rabbit drinking tap water

How to Find Out If Water Is Clean

If you are concerned about your own water supply home testing kits which retail for as little as $20 can screen for contaminants including nitrate, chlorine, and other carcinogens.

Unfortunately, the accuracy of these tests can be hit-and-miss and may also be hard to decipher. Another option if you have a higher budget is to send a sample of your water to a certified water testing lab for a full report.

How to Make Water Safe for Your Rabbit

Alternatively, and probably the easiest way to put your mind at rest is to invest in a water filter. Activated carbon filter, usually found in pitcher-type filters does a great job of removing commonly detected contaminants including disinfection by-products and volatile organic compounds (those released through burning fossil fuels) that may otherwise harm your rabbit.

Filters within these devices will need to be swapped out or cleaned every couple of months to prevent the build-up of contaminants.


How Safe Is Your Tap Water? ElementalMedium

Further Reading

Is tap water truly safe for rabbits?

What Kind of Water Should I Give My Bun?

What Do Rabbits Drink?

Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of water can rabbits drink?

Rabbits can drink fresh, clean water. It should be changed daily to ensure its freshness. Avoid using flavored or sweetened water as it can cause health problems.

Do rabbits prefer water bowls or bottles?

While both bowls and bottles can be used, rabbits often prefer bowls as they are more natural and easier to drink from. However, bowls can get dirty quickly, requiring regular cleaning.

Can rabbits drink boiled water?

Yes, rabbits can drink boiled water, provided it has cooled down to room temperature. Boiling can help remove impurities, but ensure the water is not hot as it can burn the rabbit.

Should I put ice in my bunnies water?

No, you should not put ice in your bunny’s water. Cold water can shock their system. Room temperature water is best for rabbits to ensure their comfort and safety.

How do I know if my rabbit is thirsty?

A thirsty rabbit may be lethargic, eat less, and produce fewer droppings. Check if their water supply is empty more quickly than usual. If you’re unsure, consult a vet immediately.

Can I spray my rabbit with water?

Spraying your rabbit with water is not recommended. Rabbits can easily get chilled and stressed. Instead, keep their environment cool and provide ample fresh water to drink.

Is Tap Water Fine For Rabbits? (Safety Concerns)


Darren is the founder and editor at Bunny Advice and has been caring for rabbits for over a decade. He has a passion for helping animals and sharing his experience and knowledge with others.

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