Can Rabbits Eat Kiwi? Here are The Benefits

Domestic Rabbits can eat a variety of different fruits and vegetables, however in the wild rabbits rarely eat either and live off a simple diet of grass weeds, and wildflowers.  This keeps gut flora and digestive enzymes in balance.  While domestic rabbits are afforded a lot more variety of foods by their owners including fruits and vegetables, not all are equally good for them.

Kiwi can be a good occasional treat for rabbits with great benefits due to its low sugar content and easy digestibility, but moderation is key to avoiding disrupting their digestive system and causing health issues.

Some vegetables contain high levels of sugar and even chemicals which over time may do damage to a rabbit’s delicate digestive system while fruits are usually high in carbohydrates (sugars) and can cause obesity if not given in moderation.

It’s important to know which fruits and vegetables are safe for a bunny.  In our continuing series, we’re taking a look at Kiwi.

Good and bad fruits and vegetables

Rabbits have a sweet tooth and enjoy lots of different fruit and veg however due to the high sugars in fruits and certain vegetables (usually root varieties) they should only be given to rabbits in very small amounts, kiwis are relatively low in sugar but as with any food that does form part of a rabbits natural diet, care on portion size should be taken.

rabbit eating kiwi

Some fruit and veg also contain seeds, pips, or stones, many of which can be poisonous to rabbits if eaten. Although Kiwi does contain some seeds, they are very small and easily digested by a rabbit.

Another point to remember when choosing to give your rabbit fruit or vegetables is the possible use of chemical pesticides during growing. 

For this reason, when buying a rabbit, organic fruit is a wise choice as it will be free of potentially poisonous chemical pesticides. 

Kiwi fruit is very low in pesticides however you may wish to rinse them thoroughly in cold running water to be completely sure that they do not pose a risk to your pets’ health.

The Benefits of Kiwi For Rabbits

  1. Excellent Source of Vitamin C:
    Kiwi is packed with Vitamin C, an essential nutrient that rabbits cannot synthesize on their own. This vitamin supports the immune system, aids in wound healing, and promotes overall health in rabbits.
  2. High in Fiber:
    Kiwi contains a significant amount of dietary fiber, crucial for maintaining healthy digestion in rabbits. Dietary fiber helps prevent gastrointestinal stasis, a common condition in rabbits that can lead to serious health issues.
  3. Hydration Support:
    Due to its high water content, kiwi is a hydrating fruit for rabbits. Adequate hydration is vital for maintaining healthy organ function and preventing issues like urinary tract problems.
  4. Rich in Antioxidants:
    Kiwi is loaded with antioxidants, including vitamins C and E, which help neutralize harmful free radicals in a rabbit’s body. Antioxidants support the immune system and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.
  5. Nutrient Diversity:
    Kiwi offers a range of essential nutrients, such as potassium, vitamin K, vitamin E, and folate. These nutrients contribute to a rabbit’s overall health and well-being, ensuring they receive a balanced array of nutrients necessary for optimal growth.
  6. Promotes Dental Health:
    Rabbits have continuously growing teeth, and chewing on fibrous foods like kiwi can help them wear down their teeth naturally. The act of chewing on kiwi can also promote healthy jaw muscles and reduce the risk of dental issues.

Remember, while kiwi is beneficial in small amounts, it is high in sugar compared to many other fruits and vegetables that rabbits typically eat.

Therefore, it should be offered in moderation as part of a balanced diet. It’s best to remove the skin before offering kiwi to your rabbit, as the fuzzy texture can be difficult for them to eat.

Always consult your vet if you’re unsure about introducing new foods into your rabbit’s diet.

Rabbit digestive system

A rabbit’s digestive system can be very sensitive to sudden changes which interrupt the delicate gut flora (bacteria) which has an important role in keeping it moving.

When it comes to fruit and vegetables, rabbits each have their own likes and dislikes and when you introduce anything new into a rabbit’s diet be it a fruit or vegetable (even those considered safe) you should give the rabbit a chance to get used to it first.

With kiwi, give a very small amount initially and observe the rabbit for a while. If it produces any soft poo it may be that kiwi does not agree with it.

Also, keep an eye out for behavioral changes or signs of discomfort which may indicate more serious gastrointestinal conditions such as trapped wind or G.I. Stasis.

If there are any obvious issues wait till everything seems to be back to normal before testing with anything else or deciding whether or not to persist with the new food.

Here are some other things you should consider before deciding whether or not to give your rabbit kiwi.

Do rabbits like kiwi?

Rabbits love sweet foods and kiwi is no exception, however, every rabbit has its own personality and tastes so there’s no sure way to tell if a particular bunny will enjoy it until you try.

Rabbits can’t be trusted to stop eating sweet foods like fruits on their own.  You will need to show necessary restraint on their behalf and stop them, regardless of how cute they look (or how much they beg!).

Kiwi availability

Kiwis are available all year round as they have a growing season of around 240 days.  They ripen in 3 – 5 days and last between 1-4 weeks if kept in the refrigerator. 

You’ll only be giving your rabbit a very small portion of the entire fruit so unless you or your family enjoy kiwi also it may not be worthwhile buying them specifically for the pet.

Benefits of kiwi in a rabbits diet

  • Low in calories and relatively low in sugar.
  • Broad level of antioxidants.
  • Good source of fiber.
  • High in vitamins and minerals including Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Vitamin E, Folate, and Potassium.

Negative effects of kiwi in a rabbits diet

  • May cause runny poop or diarrhea in some rabbits.
  • Starchy and could cause constipation or G.I Stasis if not fed sparingly.

Storing and preparing kiwi for rabbits

Store kiwi in the refrigerator and cut a small slice into small portions when you are about to feed to your rabbit. 

They will enjoy kiwi more if it has more moisture in it so you keep the remaining kiwi in a Tupperware container and slice further portions when required. 

Around one level teaspoon per two pounds of body weight will be a safe portion size that should not cause your rabbit any health issues.

Recommended use of kiwi in a rabbits diet

Kiwis are primarily composed of carbohydrates and water and just like all high-carb foods should be given in moderation as overfeeding will likely cause digestive problems.

The portion size above no more than a couple of times a week as a treat food is our recommendation.

Can young rabbits eat kiwi?

If you’re in the process of training a young rabbit, kiwi cut into very small bits will make a much better training treat than pet shop-brought yogurt drops or seed-based treats which are high in refined sugars and can be really bad for a rabbit.

Although fruit is healthier it can still be a little too rich for a young bunny’s digestive system so if you do decide to use it for training purposes keep a close eye out for negative health reactions.

Wrap up

We hope you enjoyed this short article, as we continue this series we hope to provide you with basic information to allow you to make your own informed decisions when deciding what to feed your bunny.

Remember that a rabbit’s digestive system is not the same as a human’s. It does not need the same level of variety that we enjoy.

A rabbit’s diet should be mainly fiber-based in order to keep the gut moving and prevent stasis.  Aside from water, hay should make up approximately 80% of the rabbit’s diet and an unlimited amount should be provided (a rabbit can eat a ball of hay equivalent to his own size each day).

Above all remember that too much of anything can be bad for a pet.  Just because a rabbit’s digestive system can digest raisins, in the long term it is not really suited for high sugar foods so (again) ensure they are given as an occasional treat only.

For more information on creating the perfect rabbit diet, see our detailed post!

Further Reading

Can Rabbits Eat Kiwi Skin?

These 15 Foods Could Harm or Kill Your Rabbit

Safe foods suitable for rabbits

Frequently Asked Questions

Do rabbits eat hardy kiwi?

Rabbits can eat hardy kiwi in moderation, but it should not form a large part of their diet due to the fruit’s high sugar content.

Can rabbits eat kiwi wood?

No, rabbits should not eat kiwi wood. Not all woods are safe for rabbits and kiwi wood hasn’t been confirmed as safe.

What is bunnies favorite fruit?

Bunnies often enjoy sweet fruits like apples, pears, and berries. However, due to high sugar content, these should be given in moderation.

What is the difference between kiwi and hardy kiwi?

Hardy kiwi is a smaller, sweeter, and more cold-tolerant variety of the kiwi fruit. Unlike the regular kiwi, its skin is smooth and edible.

Can rabbits eat kiwi skin?

While kiwi skin is not toxic to rabbits, it may be tough and difficult for them to digest. It’s best to peel the kiwi before feeding it to them.

Can Rabbits Eat Kiwi? (What are the Benefits?)


Darren is the founder and editor at Bunny Advice and has been caring for rabbits for over a decade. He has a passion for helping animals and sharing his experience and knowledge with others.

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