Can Rabbits Go Out in the Rain? Concerns Addressed

As the rain pours down and you cuddle up indoors, you may wonder, can rabbits go out in the rain? It’s a common question among pet owners who want to ensure their furry friends are safe and comfortable. While rabbits are equipped with thick fur and a natural ability to repel water, there are still some precautions to take before letting them venture out into the rain. Let’s explore the answer and learn more about how to keep your bunny happy and healthy in wet weather.

Rabbits can handle light rain, but a shelter is needed if it becomes heavy. Wet bunnies should be dried before being returned to the hutch to avoid getting cold.

Will My Rabbit Get Sick If It Gets Wet?

It’s widely accepted that domesticated rabbits are a little happier and healthier in indoor setups however with a little effort on your part it is perfectly possible for them to live a long, happy, and healthy life outdoors too.

rabbit in the rain

One key requirement of an outdoor set up is providing the rabbit a place to escape from inclement weather. This highlights that to be healthy a rabbit needs to be kept dry and comfortable.

Although sitting out in the rain for short periods is unlikely to make your rabbit sick, prolonged exposure to damp and wet conditions could cause health problems that could lead to a rabbit becoming very sick.

Health Issues That May Arise from Being Wet

Here are a few of the possible issues that may result from being wet:


In the wild rabbits live in underground warrens and are kept warm through shared body heat from its occupants even in cold temperatures. Domestic rabbits kept outdoors, in most cases live above ground, either in a hutch or other enclosure.

Domestic rabbits suffer in extremes of temperature and in colder climates where temps regularly hit freezing or below keeping them indoors is recommended.

At 0°C a rabbit will start to feel uncomfortable and at -7°C they are at serious risk of hypothermia which can occur if their body temperature falls below the normal range of 38.3 – 39.4°C (101-103° F).

In moderate climates like the United Kingdom, domestic rabbits can adapt to cooler winters provided they are introduced to them gradually.

Heat pads, blankets, and a bonded companion to snuggle up to are all things that make the cold seasons tolerable. However, wet and cold conditions are a different story.

Think about how you feel when you get out of the shower, Cold right? Now imagine how a rabbit feels after being outside during a rainstorm!

Worse still, if the rabbit still hasn’t managed to dry off by the time the sun goes down, those cold temperatures are going to feel a whole lot worse as their fur fails to trap the warmth against the skin.

In circumstances such as these, and if a rabbit was unable to dry off and get warm, freezing and hypothermia would pose a serious risk.

A rabbit in the early stages of hypothermia will become lethargic and its ears and limbs will look pale and feel cold. As the condition develops breathing will become shallow and the heartbeat will become weak.

In its later stages, hypothermia can lead to coma and even death.


Snuffles is one of the most common diseases that can strike a domestic rabbit and is a contagious respiratory disease that can affect eyes ears and other organs. It is caused by infection of nasal tracts with the bacteria Pasteurella multocida.

When an infection does occur symptoms including, sneezing, discharge, and a loud snorting or ‘snuffling’ sound can be seen, the disease can also cause conjunctivitis when the rabbit licks and uses its paws to clean its face and eyes.

Some strains of the bacteria commonly found in a rabbit’s nasal tract will not cause infections unless the rabbit is stressed or has a suppressed immune system.

Naturally, stress is a natural response to a life-threatening situation like being wet, cold, and uncomfortable. Having a weakened immune response caused by stress can leave a rabbit more susceptible to this disease.


Being out in the rain WILL NOT cause Pneumonia in rabbits, however, that’s not to say that it’s not important to mention it in this post.

Pneumonia causes a dysfunction of the entire respiratory system of a rabbit and occurs when there is severe inflammation in the lungs of which causes can be bacterial, fungal, parasitic, or viral.

Not drying the rabbit properly before putting it in after an unexpected rainstorm during playtime exposes a hutch/enclosure to damp whereby bacteria and fungus can thrive.

In a small or poorly ventilated hutch, there is a real risk of a rabbit inhaling these spores, potentially leading to Pneumonia.

Although not directly related to being out in the rain, being aware of the causes of pneumonia definitely underlines a requirement to keep the rabbit and its dwellings clean, dry, and well-ventilated.


In longer-haired breeds of rabbits, exposure to rain and wet can cause the rabbit to become matted. Matting not only looks unpleasant, but it is also not very pleasant for the rabbit.

At best this could be uncomfortable for a rabbit but if the matting is not brushed out in time sores can form on the skin underneath clumps of matted fur. This might lead to infections, flystrike, and possibly death.

Drying a Rabbit

A clean towel can be used to massage the rabbit dry. Alternatively, a hairdryer at the lowest setting can also be used to bring the rabbits back to their fluffy selves.

Never feel the need to bathe a rabbit simply because it has got wet in the rain or has a few spots of mud on it. Providing the rabbit is dry it will take care of the rest itself in its own time.

Bathing is something that is only necessary in extreme circumstances when a rabbit’s health is at risk and in most cases will cause unnecessary stress to a rabbit.


The lesson here is that although rabbits do fairly well at handling the cold, they are not so good at handling a combination of both cold and wet.

If your own pet bunnies enjoy sitting out in the rain, it’s very important to dry them off properly before they go back in a hutch.

Never leave a wet rabbit overnight and assume it will be alright. Keep the rabbit happy and healthy by keeping it and its dwellings clean, dry, and well-ventilated.

Further Reading

Should I lock my bunny in his hutch when it rains

Rabbit Winter Care Advice

What Should You Do When Your Rabbit Gets Wet in the Rain?

Frequently Asked Questions

Can rabbits go out in the snow?

Rabbits can go out in the snow if they have access to a dry and sheltered area. Snow can cause hypothermia, so make sure they are warm and have plenty of food and water.

Can rabbits go out in the heat?

Rabbits struggle in high temperatures, so it’s best to avoid taking them out in the heat of the day. Make sure they have plenty of water and a cool place to rest.

Can rabbits get sunburned?

Yes, rabbits can get sunburned, especially those with white or thin fur. Provide shade and limit their exposure to the sun, or use pet-safe sunscreen.

Can rabbits swim?

Most rabbits don’t like water and are not strong swimmers. Keep them away from deep water, and make sure they have a way to get out if they fall in.

Can rabbits go out in the wind?

Wind can be dangerous for rabbits, as they can catch colds or even be blown away. Provide a sheltered area and keep them inside during high winds or storms.

Can Rabbits Go Out in the Rain? Concerns Addressed


Darren is the founder and editor at Bunny Advice and has been caring for rabbits for over a decade. He has a passion for helping animals and sharing his experience and knowledge with others.

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