How High Can A Rabbit Jump? (Or Fall Safely?)

Hopping and jumping are two actions that usually come (or ‘spring’) to mind when we think about rabbits. As young children, our first impressions of rabbits are of high-jumping, carrot-munching mischief-makers (e.g. Peter Rabbit). But how high can real rabbits jump? Could they really leap over a 6ft brick wall just like Peter (or Bugs for our older readers!)?  

Adult rabbits can jump between 2 to 3 feet high with the highest recorded jump currently standing at a height of 3.2 Feet.  Rabbits can jump while running or from a stationary position, also referred to as a ‘binky’.  Rabbits are proficient jumpers and can be trained to leap over jumps just like dogs.


Rabbits are perfectly evolved for jumping so they are unlikely to hurt themselves during the behavior, however, there are exceptions to the rule which we want to talk about here. 

A picture of a rabbit jumping upwards

The more likely risk with jumping is that a beloved pet may make a dramatic escape over your garden fence so we’ll also discuss exactly how high rabbit owners should have their garden fences.

How High Do Rabbits Jump?

Fully grown rabbits are able to jump up to 3 feet high, but this will of course be largely dependent on many different factors including breed, age, lifestyle, and fitness level. 

The ‘fuel’ or food that you are feeding your rabbit and the energy it has to achieve these high leaps will also be important.  Incidentally, if you want to keep a spring in your rabbits step you can read our complete rabbit feeding guide right here.

Even with a good diet and high levels of energy, domestic rabbits won’t normally leap higher than a couple of feet, though you may occasionally see higher jumps from time to time during play.  These jumps, usually from a stationary position are referred to as ‘binkies’, and are a rabbit’s way of expressing happiness (you can read more about binkies right here).

Another factor that will affect jumping ability is fitness level. You’ve probably noticed that wild rabbits including cottontails are usually much leaner than our domesticated breeds, the jack-rabbit (or hare) looks positively athletic when compared to our pet bunnies. 

For the most part, this is a result of genetics but also that our pets lead a much safer, more comfortable life in captivity.

For example. Not only do well-looked-after pet rabbits have an abundant and regular supply of food (too much in some cases), they are often kept in a cage or hutch, which means they lead a much more sedentary lifestyle than wild rabbits.

Galaxy the rabbit (going into orbit!)

Even those lucky enough to have free access to a large yard or garden will not cover as much ground as a wild rabbit will as it battles for survival against predators, the elements, and a limited amount of food.

In contrast, our pets are sometimes spoiled. We often overfeed them with treat foods which ultimately not only makes them less fit (hampering their jumping ability) but over the long term will certainly shorten a rabbit’s lifespan.  

Again, this underlines the importance of getting their diet right from the start (again) you can learn how to do this by following our rabbit feeding guide here.

Regardless of the difference in fitness levels between domestic and wild rabbits, the majority of domestic rabbits, even smaller breeds such as the Netherland Dwarf should quite easily clear two feet in one vertical jump. 

How Far Can A Rabbit Jump?

As well as jumping high into the air, rabbits also have a rather impressive long-jump ability. At speed, rabbits can propel themselves forward by over 8 feet in a single jump.  This feat, however, mostly applies to wild rabbits who may need to use these long leaps to evade predators. 

How High Can A Rabbit Jump Over A Fence?

As a responsible pet owner (which we know you are) we are sure you will want to ensure that your rabbit is kept safely within the confines of your yard or garden.

The last thing that any bunny parent wants is to find that a beloved pet rabbit has escaped.  So what size fence do you need to keep a rabbit safely in your own yard?

Although we have stated that a rabbit is very unlikely to clear heights of more than 3 feet, it should be noted that a rabbit that feels threatened may also exert itself a little more, for example, a rabbit being chased by a predator such as a fox is far more likely to clear that 3-foot fence, if it knows it’s life, depends on it! (Wouldn’t you be?).

According to HomeGuides a two-foot fence will be enough to keep out wild rabbits.  However, when it comes to keeping in pets we like something a little higher.  

Bear in mind that rabbits (on a good day, with the wind beneath them) may leap over 3 feet in height.  For this reason, we recommend using at least a 4-foot high fence or even a 5-foot high fence if a pet such as a dog lives in the neighboring yard.

You should also make sure that there are no gaps or holes in or underneath fence panels and (if letting a rabbit free roam) keep in mind that they are extremely good diggers.  Preventing a pet rabbit from digging out can be achieved by installing mesh wiring underneath the edges of the fence.

How High Can A Rabbit Jump Down?

In most circumstances, rabbits will be comfortable falling or jumping down from a height similar to its maximum jump height of 3 feet. However, some vets have reported injuries to rabbits following falls of just a couple of feet that have led to them being put down.

Despite being perfectly adapted for running and jumping, rabbits are not cats and will not automatically write themselves the correct way up before hitting the ground. Furthermore, rabbit jumps, particularly binkies are unpredictable, and the rabbit can land awkwardly or on top of objects or furniture.

Rabbits have delicate skeletal systems and small bones, therefore, an awkward fall from any height including dropping the rabbit or having it jump out of your hands during carrying could be enough to cause a serious injury, even one that may lead to the pet rabbit being euthanized.

Can A Rabbit Die from Falling?

While it is unlikely that a rabbit will die from falling from a height of just a few feet, it can certainly happen. As mentioned, rabbits are quite fragile animals prone to both injury and shock, both of which could kill a rabbit.

As impressive as it is to see a rabbit binky (leap high into the air) the spontaneous nature of these jumps means a rabbit performing one does not have any control over where it will land.

I’ve personally seen rabbits land in bushes or knock against fences while performing a binky so doing a general risk assessment of wherever your rabbit is playing and removing anything that it may land on (i.e. making sure that there are no dangerous garden tools laying around) is a must.

A rabbit landing awkwardly on something sharp and pointy could easily suffer a broken back or be fatally injured.

Can Rabbits Climb?

Rabbits are not naturally built for climbing and they are much more likely to dig than climb. However, I have personally seen climbing from several of my pet rabbits, usually when they think I am going to pass a treat through the bars of their cages – so I know they are capable.

In the wild rabbits may be seen climbing or jumping up to access food or escape a potential threat.  Using high vantage points allows them to remain safe from predators that cannot climb while surveying the surrounding area. 

Shelves in Baby and Columbo’s custom-built home provide a vantage point

It’s a little-known fact that even domestic rabbits are ok being at a height so long as their feet are on solid ground. This is probably because it allows them to survey the area around them without the need to telegraph (stand upright).

For this reason, If you are lucky enough to own a large playpen, you might consider putting in some ‘shelves’ for the pet to jump on.   

Just remember that If you do use shelves or higher levels within a hutch or cage, these should include a safety barrier of some sort or not be so high that the rabbit could fall and get injured. Regardless of height, consider having something soft to land on (such as a folded fleece blanket) just in case.

Can Rabbits Jump Into A Raised Garden?

As well as keeping a pet rabbit in your garden, you may also like to grow plants or veggies. The trouble is that rabbits are known for their love of all things green and tasty. As such, rabbit owners that grow plants or vegetables may decide to grow them in a raised flower bed/garden.

Once again, to do this, you must think about the height that a rabbit can jump. A border of at least two feet in height should be enough to stop a rabbit from jumping in the raised bed and keep your plants safe from it’s inquisitive jaws.

How High Should My Rabbit Pen Be?

In much the same way that your fences and raised beds should be an adequate height, if you are keeping a rabbit in a pen (or run) you will also need to make sure that it is high enough that the rabbit won’t jump, or even, climb out. 

Rabbit pens generally have a headroom of around 2 – 3 feet so if your pen doesn’t already include one, think about installing a lid to stop the rabbit from jumping/climbing out (and to keep predators from jumping in).


Rabbits are some of the most accomplished jumpers in the animal kingdom but given their penchant for mischief, they still need us owners to take precautions to keep them safe.

Keeping fences high and dangerous obstacles out of their way while they are displaying their jumping prowess will be a good way to keep them safe.

Further Reading

How high will wild rabbits jump?

How Do Rabbits Get Into Yards With Chain Link Fences

How high is to high for a rabbit to jump?

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Frequently Asked Questions

Do rabbits jump for fun?

Rabbits may jump for fun or as a form of exercise. They enjoy hopping around and exploring their environment, and jumping can be a natural way for them to release energy.

Can rabbits jump fences?

Yes, rabbits can jump fences if they are not high enough or if they have objects nearby to use as a boost. Consider adding a barrier or mesh to the top of the fence to prevent them from escaping.

Why do rabbits binky when they jump?

Binkying is a joyful expression of rabbit behavior that involves jumping and twisting in the air. Rabbits may binky when they are happy, excited, or trying to assert dominance.

Do all rabbits like to jump?

Not all rabbits like to jump, and some may prefer to stay on the ground. It depends on their individual personality and temperament.

Can rabbits jump on beds and couches?

Rabbits can jump on beds and couches, but it’s important to provide them with a safe and soft landing area. Consider using pet stairs or a ramp to make it easier for them to climb up and down.

How High Can A Rabbit Jump? (Or Fall Safely?)


Darren is the founder and editor at Bunny Advice and has been caring for rabbits for over a decade. He has a passion for helping animals and sharing his experience and knowledge with others.

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