Stop a Bunny Chewing Your Books!

As a pet owner, it can be frustrating to discover that your adorable bunny has developed a penchant for nibbling on your books. Not only can this behavior result in damaged books, but it can also pose a risk to your furry friend’s health if they ingest paper or ink. However, fear not! With a little patience and guidance, you can train your bunny to stop chewing on your books. In this article, we will provide you with practical tips and tricks on how to make a bunny stop chewing on books.

Understanding Why Bunnies Chew

Before we dive into the strategies to stop your bunny from chewing on books, it’s important to understand why they do it in the first place. Bunnies are natural chewers. In the wild, they chew on vegetation to wear down their constantly growing teeth and to obtain essential nutrients. However, when they become domesticated pets, their natural chewing instincts can manifest in undesirable behaviors, such as chewing on household items like books.

Providing Appropriate Chewing Alternatives

One of the most effective ways to stop your bunny from chewing on books is to provide them with appropriate chewing alternatives. Bunnies need to chew to keep their teeth healthy, so giving them something appropriate to chew on can redirect their chewing behavior away from your books. Here are some ideas for safe and appropriate chewing alternatives for your bunny:

  1. Bunny-safe toys: There are plenty of commercially available toys designed specifically for bunnies to chew on. Look for toys made from safe materials such as untreated wood or natural fibers, and avoid toys with small parts that could pose a choking hazard.
  2. Hay and grass: Bunnies need hay and grass as part of their diet, and providing them with ample amounts of these natural foods can help satisfy their chewing instincts. You can offer hay and grass in various forms, such as loose hay or in hay racks, and fresh grass from your yard (free from pesticides or chemicals).
  3. Cardboard boxes and tubes: Bunnies love to explore and play in cardboard boxes and tubes, and these can also make great chewing alternatives. Offer your bunny empty cardboard boxes or tubes to chew on, and replace them when they become too chewed up.
  4. Willow or applewood sticks: Willow and applewood sticks are safe and natural chewing alternatives for bunnies. You can find them in pet stores or online, and they can provide hours of chewing satisfaction for your furry friend.

Bunny-proofing Your Books

While providing appropriate chewing alternatives is important, it’s also essential to take steps to bunny-proof your books and discourage your bunny from chewing on them. Here are some practical strategies you can implement:

  1. Store books out of reach: One of the simplest ways to prevent your bunny from chewing on books is to store them out of reach. Keep books on high shelves or in closed cabinets where your bunny cannot access them. If you have a home library or bookshelf, consider installing a baby gate or a barrier to prevent your bunny from reaching the books.
  2. Use deterrents: Bunnies are sensitive to taste and smell, so you can use deterrents to discourage them from chewing on books. Apply bitter apple spray or other pet-safe deterrents to the edges of your books or wrap them in aluminum foil. The unpleasant taste or texture will deter your bunny from chewing on the books.
  3. Cover the books: Another effective strategy is to cover your books with protective covers. You can use clear plastic covers or book sleeves to create a physical barrier between your bunny’s teeth and your books. This can help prevent your bunny from accessing the pages and chewing on them.
  1. Keep books off the floor: Bunnies are notorious for exploring and hopping around, so keeping your books off the floor can reduce the temptation for your bunny to chew on them. Avoid leaving books on the floor or on low surfaces where your bunny can easily reach them. Instead, store them in elevated areas or in bookshelves that are securely mounted to the wall.

Training Your Bunny

Training your bunny to stop chewing on books requires consistency, patience, and positive reinforcement. Here are some tips for effectively training your bunny:

  1. Redirect their behavior: When you catch your bunny chewing on a book, gently and calmly redirect their behavior to an appropriate chewing alternative. Offer them a safe chew toy or some hay, and praise and reward them when they engage with the alternative item. Repeat this process consistently every time you catch your bunny chewing on a book.
  2. Use positive reinforcement: Bunnies respond well to positive reinforcement, so be sure to reward and praise your bunny when they avoid chewing on books. You can offer treats, verbal praise, or a pat on the head as a reward. This will help reinforce the positive behavior and encourage your bunny to continue avoiding the books.
  3. Be consistent: Consistency is key in training any pet. Make sure everyone in your household follows the same rules and consistently redirects your bunny’s chewing behavior to appropriate alternatives. It may take time and patience, but with consistent training, your bunny will learn to avoid chewing on books.
  4. Provide mental and physical stimulation: Boredom can often lead to destructive chewing behavior in bunnies. Make sure your bunny has plenty of mental and physical stimulation to keep them occupied and prevent them from seeking out books as a source of entertainment. Offer them toys, tunnels, and other enrichment activities to keep their minds and bodies engaged.

Health Considerations

Chewing on books can pose potential health risks to your bunny. Paper and ink can be harmful if ingested in large amounts, and some books may contain toxic materials, such as glue or chemicals. If you suspect that your bunny has ingested any parts of a book, contact your veterinarian immediately for advice.


In conclusion, it is possible to stop your bunny from chewing on books with the right strategies and consistent training. By providing appropriate chewing alternatives, bunny-proofing your books, and implementing positive reinforcement training techniques, you can teach your bunny to avoid this unwanted behavior. Remember to be patient, and consistent, and use positive reinforcement to encourage your bunny to make better chewing choices. With time and effort, you can have a well-behaved bunny and intact books in your home!

Meta-description: Discover practical tips and tricks to stop your bunny from chewing on books. Learn how to provide appropriate chewing alternatives, bunny-proof your books, and implement effective training techniques. Say goodbye to damaged books and hello to a well-behaved bunny!


Darren is the founder and editor at Bunny Advice and has been caring for rabbits for over a decade. He has a passion for helping animals and sharing his experience and knowledge with others.

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