Why Does My Rabbit Stare At Me?

Rabbits are naturally timid animals and in the wild, they need to remain on high alert. While you’d be right that this instinct is less apparent in a domestic rabbit, you may still experience the pet staring at you from time to time. So what does this mean? is this cause for concern? and why do our rabbits stare at us?

Rabbits see the world very differently to a human and have a blind spot directly in front of their faces so when it appears that a rabbit is looking at you, it is much more likely to be scanning a much wider area for danger. Alternatively what appears to be staring may just be a rabbit sleeping with its eyes open.

But one of the questions that arise from this is how you can tell what reason your rabbit is staring at you. So, let’s take a closer look and get to know your bun a bit better.

Why Is My Rabbit Staring At Me?

If you have ever noticed your rabbit staring at you, it can feel a little intimidating. Not because you think your bunny may suddenly attack but anyone or anything giving you the eye can make you feel nervous.

The good news is that your rabbit staring at you isn’t likely to be a sign of aggression. Rabbits are creatures that are naturally on high alert, if you see them staring, it is likely because they are trying to pay attention to their surroundings.

When rabbits feel threatened, they will often go very still and stare as they use their other senses to detect any looming danger. For this reason, we quite often see newly adopted bunnies behaving this way.

When you first bring your rabbit home, you must keep in mind that he is likely to feel scared and confused. Imagine being taken from somewhere and dumped into a new family without any prior warning and you might be able to appreciate why your bunny feels a little threatened.

However, if you allow your new pet some time to explore and get used to you, it won’t be long before he is feeling much more comfortable and the staring will likely stop.

Rabbit owners should also remember that these sweet little creatures have an amazing sense of smell and brilliant hearing. Since they are hard-wired to notice every little thing, you will often find that your rabbit reacts to stimuli that you aren’t even aware of.

If your rabbit suddenly freezes and stares then it could mean that he has noticed a subtle movement or smell and is checking it out.

But rabbits may stare at their owners for other reasons, including trying to let you know something. It is not unheard of for a rabbit to stare at his owner as a way of letting them know that they are hungry. Some rabbits will put two and two together and realize that ‘begging’ their owners can result in a swift meal being delivered.

Furthermore, a pet rabbit may stare at his owner when he is feeling content. Rabbits may feel so comfortable around you that they relax and stare out of happiness.

You may also notice that your rabbit stares at you if they are unsure about what you are doing. If your rabbit spends a lot of time with the family, he will likely be familiar with your day to day routine and activities. However, if you start doing something new, it is not uncommon for your rabbit to watch you intently until he figures out what you’re up to.

Finally, if you notice that your rabbit appears to be very still and unresponsive but seems as though he is staring at you, this could be because he is asleep.

Rabbits have a clear third eyelid known as a nictitating membrane that they use to protect the eyes in various situations. This includes when they are sleeping and is one of the ways that they defend themselves against predators.

Why Do Wild Rabbits Sit And Stare?

If you have ever observed rabbits in the wild, you will notice that they have some pretty unique behaviors. This is typically because they are prey animals and always need to remain alert, ready for a potential chase.

Rabbits are very aware of the dangers that they face in the wild and since they live in groups, it is important that they are able to communicate with one another. If you see a rabbit staring and standing upright, this is likely her way of telling other rabbits in the group that there is a predator nearby.

Alternatively, some wild rabbits may stare at one of the other members of the group in order to get them to groom them. Rabbits are very social animals and love to bond with others and grooming is a great way for them to do that.

How Do You Tell If Your Rabbit Likes You?

While rabbits are common pets, it may not be as easy to tell whether they like you, particularly when you compare their behavior to that of more interactive pets like dogs. There is no denying when a dog likes you, so how do you tell if your rabbit likes you?

Fortunately, discovering that your rabbit loves you as much as you love her, isn’t as difficult as you might think.

  • Rabbits will groom their owners as a sign of affection. If your pet feels comfortable enough to share this intimate activity with you then it is a clear indication that they have a soft spot for you. This grooming might be in the form of little nips or licking.
  • If your rabbit is always looking for some affection from you and wants to be fussed a lot, this is another sign that they are very comfortable around you and almost definitely like you.
  • When a rabbit feels excited or happy, they may run in circles. If your rabbit does this around your feet, this is likely her way of showing that she likes you.
  • Most pet rabbits won’t just settle with any human so if they will settle with you, that’s a good sign. Rabbits won’t generally sit on your lap so if they do then this shows that they feel comfortable around you and want to be in your company.
  • You might notice that your rabbit purrs when you stroke them and this is a sign of happiness. Many people believe that only cats purr but this is a common behavior in bunnies too!

Does My Rabbit Know Who I Am?

If you’ve never owned a rabbit before, it might seem unreasonable to think that they would recognize a human. However, rabbits are not given nearly enough credit for how intelligent they are, and recognizing their owners is something that a lot of well-looked after rabbits are capable of.

Rabbits will learn what your voice sounds like as well as learning what you look like. This can be beneficial in building up a strong relationship with your pet.


Darren is the founder and editor at Bunny Advice and has been caring for rabbits for over a decade. He has a passion for helping animals and sharing his experience and knowledge with others.

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